Integrated multidisciplinary study for the reduction of geological risks and the valorisation of environmental resources
Geomore, spin-off of the University of Camerino, was founded in 2017 by the collaboration between geologists, university professors and researchers and is aimed to promote new strategies for the protection of the territory and the environmental, artistic and cultural assets in relation to the geological risks.
Geomore offers services and products based on more than ten years of international academic research, applying the latest technologies and instruments.
The preservation of the territory, the enhancement of the landscape elements, artistic and cultural assets are fundamental for the growth of the economic and social fabric of many rural realities of our country; among the objectives of Geomore, the dissemination of these concepts to citizens and technicians through meetings, training courses, meetings and thematic excursions, to learn more about the characteristics of the territory in which we live.
Geomore includes and integrates the GEORES (GEOfluid REServoir) project for the characterization of geological reservoirs and geofluids. GEORES has been collaborating with international partners and oil & gas companies. The results of GEORES research are certified by several international scientific publications.
Via Gentile III Da Varano, Camerino (MC), 62032, Info: 0737.402625
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